every day is another opportunity to eat, pray, love

Mirror Mirror on the wall

this season is one that we usually try to think of what we are thankful for, but do we ever really look in the mirror and be thankful for what we see…no matter how fluffy we may be


People must think I like pizza or something…the past couple times I’ve been taken out to eat it happens that I’m told to meet at a place that serves the za.

A little Gino’s East for a classic deep dish when visitors are in town. Bar Cargo to eat like the Romans. Parlor to dive into all the flavors and pizza names (these are Cheesus, Mary & Joseph and the Great Balls of Fire.)


Ended girl’s mentoring with a FEAST at Ina Mae’s Tavern - I’d say the sides were average but the biscuits…dear lord they were amazing.
At a leadership event with Prospanica, the chef claimed this as the generation of adult lunchables, and nothing has made more sense to me.
Another thing checked off my list, Ramen in the city from Ramen Takaya, which was perfect for the cold, rainy day.

I can put down the sweets

Carrot cake is my all time fav, so after a long day I thought I “deserved” this vegan slice. Homemade apple crisp & board games. Another Chicago favorite - BomboBar for a decadent hot chocolate & vanilla bean custard stuffed donut…like I said, the season of fluff.


My amazing sweet friend made these carrot banana muffins & coconut cookies - K.Campbell, goodness I love you.
My favorite goto meals lately: roasted brussels, edamame, slaw, goat cheese & tofu // roasted butternut squash, broccolli, mushrooms & tofu.
One of my great family friends had me over for this amazing vegan stew…oh my goodness, it was heavenly.


I’ve been super lucky to be able to explore this insanely beautiful busy city. First of all - can we please look at this view! One of Chicago’s legends, Second City, was everything it is cracked up to be. And getting in the holiday spirit, with my first ever viewing of a Christmas Carol.


Coffee catch-ups with my lost long twin, KCampbell.
Pre-Thanksgiving apple-cider cocktails with my ride or die, Trisha.
A little R&R with yours truly, a cozy fire place & ginger turmeric latte.


This was the first Thanksgiving in 10 years that I was able to spend with family. It was a BEAUTIFUL feast. My cousin-in law hosts one hell of a party, a perfect charcuterie board (adult lunchable), all the sides & perfect table settings.


One thing that is for sure, is that my cousins make BEAUTIFUL tiny humans. This is Penelope, and I am obsessed with her. Also can we talk about how cute my Papa looks snuggling this tiny little yorkie? Last, but not least - the only Bedell boy (cousin) popped the question, to one gem of a human and she of course said yes! I felt so blessed to be able to celebrate with them and add another girl to the Bedell clan.

Church, Caffeine & Coup

I seriously love the place I get to call Home - as Oasis goes through some transitions locationally, I am excited to see our family grow. Also morning prayer sessions are always fueled by caffeine (at 5am) and sometimes the occasional game of Coup.


Mirror, mirror on the wall

This season is a weird one for me - it is one full of reflection. I know NYE is the time to reflect, but for whatever reason I always use Thanksgiving as that - maybe its because I try and reflect what I am thankful for. I posted about this on Instagram, but the past 365 have been a WILD one - I came to faith, had a breakup, got baptized, traveled to the elite eight, added a brother, lost an uncle, gained a God daughter, moved cities, changed jobs, got (more) tattoos, & found a new home. Right now I am trying to remind myself to PAUSE. REFLECT. CHERISH. GROW. To LOVE & EMBRACE all of your moments - because they make you who you are - the difference is just what you do with all of them.

To be honest, I don’t always love the holidays. I mean I love being able to go home and see family, but it has always been hard on me because all I do is compare. I spend WAY too much time during the holiday season worried about how I look, what relationships I’m in, what I’m doing with my life - spending to much time comparing myself to my sisters, my friends, and everyone on the IG channels. I am excited to go into this new season though. To look in the mirror and know that where I am at today, that I am who I am because God designed me that way. That we were perfectly made. We can always grow & be better - but to better love myself, because if I am hating on myself, I am hating on something that God created with all the best intent. It is so much easier to love on other people when you are full of love yourself. So just a reminder to look in the mirror, no matter how full you may get on all the holiday good, to be full of love to give that to other people.

WHO’S READY TO CELEBRATE 8 pound, 6 ounce newborn infant Jesus?

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